Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Idiocracy. Calling All Sport's Fans. Are you on team Donkey or Elephant?

As time progresses, it becomes more and more evident to me that politics are like sports. People choose a side, plunk down on the couch, and root, whether their team is winning or loosing. Just like sport teams, many people identify themselves as either Republican or Democrat and hold fierce to that label, as identified by whoever represents them in government. An Obama follower is instantly aware that every Republican is a bible thumping, woman hating, war monger, while Republicans characterize Democrats as athiest, welfare pushing, socialist. In truth their are fringe groups that do resprent these stereotypes, but there are many more who have worked to carve out their own path/ideologies. For example, Ron Paul is much different from Mitt Romney, on many issues. In the same right even President Obama was campaigning much differently from Joe Biden in 2008. Beyond the measures, of these two parties, exist many 3rd party candidates, who stray even further from, or between, the common ideas that enlist the two main parties.

So what to make of this sport spectacular that we call politics?

In my opinion, the sport spectacular part needs to be removed. The labels of political party need to drop away. Instead we must look at each individual and listen to what they say. In addition, we must look at what they have done. Has President Obama upheld the constitution, as he promised, when sworn in? Has Mitt Romney been involved with resizing and major capital restructuring, often leaving out the human element of which he effects? These are just a few questions of many that should be asked, before moving forward. Just voting blue or red, for the sake of your favorite team is in essence evidence of "Idiocracy".